Forecasted Capacity Planning Software

Optimize the potential
of your entire team

The capacity planning tool you need to maximize utilization while minimizing burnout

Proactively orchestrate your talent to meet demand

See team capacity to take on projects and align sales to sell your available capacity. Connect sales & delivery before projects are won to efficiently set up successful engagements. Scenario plan resources onto upcoming projects to maximize profitability and see skills in hot demand you should hire for.  

Proactive project scoping

Sales uses service offering templates to initially scope, price and set a timeline for projects without manual back and forth meetings. Delivery teams get an early alert of projects coming down the pipe to proactively optimize resourcing – no more, “we need to kick off this project tomorrow” triage. This is the kumbaya sales & delivery needs.

Capacity forecasts

See capacity based on existing and upcoming workloads. By layering your pipeline onto current resource assignments, you get a complete view of skill sets with available or unavailable capacity. Now leadership can align sales to sell available capacity and confidently make hiring decisions for in-demand projects to evolve your service offerings.

Capacity scenario planning

Create your plan B or C or D…to ensure you are forecasting high utilization for all team members. Use filters on deals in your pipeline to better understand “what-if” scenarios of incoming work and how it aligns to your team’s capacity. Protect your margin by scenario planning different resources on upcoming projects. 

Why leading agencies choose Parallax

Revenue growth
Increase in billable utilization
Increase in revenue per billable employee

How it works

Service offering templates to scope quickly

The service offering template informs Parallax of specific skills needed and outlines when the project can kickoff based on resource availability. Delivery now sees upcoming projects early and can see projected start dates based on close date from the CRM deal. 

Quick project pricing

Sales creates an opportunity in the CRM and attaches a service offering template to the deal. Service offering templates can be adjusted to however you price or structure your deals – time & material, fixed, retainer, or hybrid along with margin goals. Now sales has pricing without manual meetings with delivery. The deal amount drives the target budget the project will be tracked to. 

Project, role & skill tagging

Tag projects, project roles and team members with important details such as skills and location, helping you easily organize, filter and assign your people based on specific project criteria.

Customizable work hours

Set work hours for each team member, providing you with a clear view of individual and team capacity.

Time-off management

Efficiently manage time off and holidays to accurately represent availability.

Capacity forecasts

Allocation of people on projects automatically earmarks team members time to give leadership, delivery and sales teams a view on projects they can sell, timing of those projects, and who’s available/not available for those projects. See total capacity, total billable capacity, remaining project hours, sales pipeline allocations, and actuals.

Resource scenario planning

Pipeline scenario planning

Filter pipeline opportunities onto your current capacity to better understand what-if scenarios on how you’ll handle potential incoming work along with existing known projects. Manually select particular deals or filter by stage of opportunity.

Evolve service offerings

Quickly see what services are in high demand and compare against upcoming projects to inform hiring decisions. See what projects lead to more profitability and adapt service offerings to those types of projects.

Focus sales efforts

Parallax uniquely gives you a view of future capacity based on known won projects + potential pipeline projects. This gives you clarity on what services are in high and low demand giving you the ability to focus sales efforts on services with available capacity.

Resources from our blog

Frequently asked questions about
capacity planning

Capacity planning is the process of determining the resources required to meet the demand for a company’s goods or services. It involves analyzing current capacity and forecasting future demand to ensure that the company has enough resources to meet its goals.

Capacity planning is important because it helps businesses optimize service delivery and meet service level agreements (SLAs). By analyzing capacity data, businesses can ensure that teams are productive and projects don’t fall behind schedule or run over budget.

Capacity planning provides transparency into what the team is working on, skill sets, and availability. The number one benefit of capacity planning is that it enables teams to deliver on-time, on-budget projects. Other benefits include cost savings, resource availability, skills inventory check, and talent acquisition.

Some common challenges with capacity planning include inaccurate forecasting, lack of visibility into resource utilization, and difficulty in predicting future demand.

Businesses can overcome these challenges by using data-driven approaches to capacity planning. By analyzing historical data and using predictive analytics tools, businesses can make more accurate forecasts and better allocate resources.

Some best practices for capacity planning include setting clear goals and objectives, establishing a baseline for current capacity utilization, regularly reviewing and updating capacity plans, and using automation tools to streamline the process.

Businesses can measure the success of their capacity planning efforts by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as resource utilization rates, project completion rates, and customer satisfaction scores.

See Parallax in Action